Roomies | Trailer


A story in reverse where two strangers live together in Mumbai without labeling themselves as a couple.

Starring: Rituraj, Sampark, and Vichitra
Language: Hindi
Genre: Comedy

E1 | Ration

With the drama of secretly stealing food to totally turning against each other, these Roomies share their craziest experiences.

Feb 5, 2021 ▏ 13 min

E2 | Girlfriend

While sharing a living space has plenty of benefits, the sacrifices of living together are also not less.

Feb 5, 2021 ▏ 12 min

E3 | Landlord

What is the purpose of a Roommate? When different people come live together then adjusting, sharing, and contributing are bound to happen.

Feb 5, 2021 ▏ 16 min

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